Recently DIVA, Downtown Initiative for Visual Arts in Eugene, OR, issued a call for artists to design a wine label for their first juried Art Pour Favor wine label competition. I thought one of my acrylic wine paintings just might be a good fit. Boy was I was excited when I learned that my Wine on the Vine II won the competition for the Cabernet Sauvignon label. It captures the essence of a sun drenched vineyard with engaging shapes of vines and bottled grapes.
My winning label appears on a special bottling of a 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon wine from the Desert Wind Winery in Washington's Yakima Valley. The wine is being featured at the DIVA Center's receptions and fund raising events in 2009. I and the winner of the Pinot Gris label were honored during a wine bottling party at the RainsSong Winery in Cheshire, OR, Feb 14th.
This is the second time my Wine on the Vine II painting has received reccgnition. It was favorably reviewed in Coos Bay's The World while the painting was exhibited at the Coos Art Museum in October 2008. Nor is this the first time my art has been used to promote the wine industry. My Uplifting Spirits painting was the promotion poster for the 2006 Greatest of the Grape and my first Wine on the Vine in shades of blue promoted the 2005 Umpqua Valley Art and Wine Festival. My appreciation for wine is growing.
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